APEX System Preferences
In a previous post I struggled with the differences between system preferences and database parameters. In this post I focus on system preferences again.
Oracle provides the package wwv_flow_platform
to set and get the system preferences. With this query you get all the system preferences as well:
SELECT name, value, pref_desc FROM flows_020100.wwv_flow_platform_prefs
-------------------------------- ------------ --------------------------------------
SMTP_HOST_ADDRESS smtp.isp.com The address of the SMTP server
used to relay mail.
SMTP_HOST_PORT 25 The port that the SMTP server
listens for requests.
MAX_SCRIPT_SIZE 500000 The maximum allowable size for
a script text.
SQL_SCRIPT_MAX_OUTPUT_SIZE 200000 The maximum allowable size for
an individual script result.
WORKSPACE_MAX_OUTPUT_SIZE 2000000 The maximum space allocated for
script results.
ENABLE_TRANSACTIONAL_SQL Y The flag which determines if
Transactional SQL Commands are
enabled on this instance.
PLSQL_EDITING Y The flag used in SQL Workshop
Object Browser to enable user
to edit and compile PL/SQL.
Adminstration which determines
if demonstration applications
and database objects are created in
new workspaces.
DISABLE_ADMIN_LOGIN N The flag which determines if
Adminstration services are disabled.
DISABLE_WORKSPACE_LOGIN N The flag which determines if
workspace login is disabled.
ALLOW_DB_MONITOR Y The flag which determines if database
monitoring is enabled.
SERVICE_REQUEST_FLOW MANUAL Determines default provisioning
I have some problems about smpt_out_server I get 421 smtp service not exist eror I dont know what sohul ı give smtp_out_server parameter I work ede locallly 10g xe
I set localhost in init.ora but it dosent work
Do you have a regular mail client installed (like Outlook express, Thunderbird etc.)? If not then install one.
Test if you can send an email successfully. You will find the right SMTP settings in your client.
Copy those settings into APEX, that should do it.
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